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Before the general assembly convenes, all members gather in smaller groups to discuss a specific theme. Such a group is referred to as a committee. Below, you will find all the assignments for the four committees at WEMEP Lier 2024.




Climate change is a prominent issue, with activists urging the European Union to adopt significant
measures to combat it. Advocates argue that achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 aligns with the
goal of improving our daily environment and "saving the planet." It seems logical to support such

However, the path to net-zero and addressing climate change comes with a considerable cost. A well-thought-out plan is essential to ensure a favorable return on investments and prevent economic
hardship. Crafting such a plan is challenging due to numerous unknown variables, such as the impact
of transitioning to a circular economy on our economic landscape.

A critical concern arises if the rest of the world, including China, (South)-America, Asia, and Africa,
does not share this vision. Could our economy face stiff competition from foreign products produced
inexpensively due to a lack of "green investments"? And more importantly, will our individual efforts
even make a noticeable difference?

While the need to protect our planet is evident, we must also safeguard our economy and
competitiveness to avoid becoming a peripheral player in global trade once again, just like before the
19th century. Striking a balance between environmental preservation and economic interests is crucial.
The question remains: How can we harmonize the best of both worlds?


The question of which measures the EU should take to decrease the number of negative influences the EU faces due to climate change.


1. Which measures should the EU take to combat climate change?
2. To which extends and how can the EU make sure that the rest of the world is also putting in
efforts to combat climate change.
3. How can the EU balance economical consideration with environmental goals when
implementing measures to combat climate change, and thus minimizing the impact on the
industry and its workers?
4. How can we ensure the competitiveness of our economy whilst transitioning to a sustainably




Migration to the European Union has notably surged due to multifaceted conflicts across various
regions. This surge raises alarm bells as the spectre of a new refugee crisis looms. The EU has
steadfastly committed itself to the noble objective of extending aid and ensuring the safety of as many
displaced individuals as possible. However, navigating this humanitarian mission is beset by great
While the EU remains dedicated to its humanitarian mission, the path forward demands an all-round
approach. It necessitates not only increased collaboration among member states but also
comprehensive measures to address the root causes of migration, promoting stability and peace in
regions plagued by conflict. Balancing this imperative with the practical constraints and societal
sentiments requires a nuanced and adaptive approach.
The European Committee LIBE recognizes the urgency of this situation and remains committed to
advocating for policies that ensure the protection and well-being of migrants while addressing the
legitimate concerns of host communities.


The question of how the EU should handle migration within its borders:


1. How will the EU handle upon upcoming migration, primarily caused by
international conflict.
2. How can the EU ensure legal migration and corresponding mindsets among
3. How can the EU ensure swift status-checks and how will it follow up on migrant
4. How can the EU act upon the fact that denied asylum seekers remain to reside
within its borders?




In recent years, the rise of extremism has spurred critical conversations within the EU member states.
Addressing the complex dynamics of this multifaceted issue requires a comprehensive examination of
boths preventative and reactive measures. Which matters should the EU take concerning the rising
popularity of extremist parties within the EU?


Which matters should the EU take concerning the rising popularity of extremist parties within the EU?


1. How can we protect democracy within the EU?
2. The question regarding the protection of diversity within the EU.
3. What about the expression of extremism ideologies, because of the parties right to freedom
of speech?
4. The question regarding the protection of minorities targeted by extremist parties.




In terms of equal rights, EU member states are among the most equal countries in the world. Yet not
every citizen can benefit from this in the same way. For instance, the European Union still faces the
situation where men and women are paid unequally for the same work. Also, men and women do not
always have equal opportunities in terms of self-development due to stereotypes and prejudices. In
addition, within EU member states, there are also major differences in rights for different gender
identities. Increasingly, there is even violence and harassment against certain genders. The
committee on human rights will address the following main question which can be divided into four
sub-questions on this topic:


The question of what the EU should do regarding gender equality within the EU borders:


1. The question of what strategies the EU can adopt to combat violence and harassment basedon
sex and gender identity.
2. The question of what the EU should do with the difference in rights for different
sexes andgender identities.
3. The question of how the EU should address the gender pay gap and to what
extent the EUshould ensure equal pay for equal work within its member states.
4. The question of how and to what extent the EU should reduce gender
stereotypes andbiases.




The last years the EU has worked really hard to motivate youth to participate in politics and to tell us
more about their opinions and preferences. But in all member states, the youth still experiences lots
of barriers which prevent them from participating. This inactivity among the youth in society has led
to a major underrepresentation of our generation.


The question of how the EU should act concerning the engagement of youth into politics.


1. What are the barriers preventing youth from actively participating in politics in the EU, and
what should the EU do with them?
2. What role should social media and technology play in the EU's efforts to engage youth in
3. Should the EU ensure that the voices, opinions and concerns of young people are
represented and taken into account in political decision-making processes, and if so,
howshould they do that?
4. Should the EU promote civic education and political participation in schools and universities
across member states, and if so, how?

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